
Turussa puhutaan yli sataa kieltä. Tiesitkö, että sinulla voi olla äänikoikeus Turun kuntavaaleissa 2021, vaikka et olisi Suomen kansalainen?  Se onnistuu, jos asut Turussa vaalipäivänä JA… | Over 100 languages are spoken in Turku. Did you know that you may be eligible to vote in the 2021 municipal elections even if you are not a Finnish citizen? It is possible, if you live in Turku on the election day AND…

  1. Olet EU-maan, Norjan tai Islannin kansalainen. | You are a citizen of the European Union, Norway or Iceland
  2. TAI olet  muun maan kansalainen JA olet asunut Suomessa ainakin kaksi vuotta. | OR you are of some other nationality AND you have lived in Finland for two years or longer

Lue täältä lisää omalla kielelläsi. | Read more here in your own language. 

  • Albania (kääntäjä Arif Bulliqi)
  • Arabia (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Bengali (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Bosnia (käännös: Elvis Bacic ja Aida Heldic)
  • English
  • Español/Espanja (käännös: Ulises Marquez)
  • Francais/Ranska  (käännös: Wolfgang Hirsch)
  • Kurdi (sorani) (käännös: Chia Abdullahpour)
  • Japani (kääntäjä: Makoto Chiba)
  • Nepali (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Persia (käännös: Chia Abdullahpour)
  • Puola (käännös: Paulina Kozok, Aleksandra Małysz, Zuzanna Mocny)
  • Romania (käännös: Ioana Anica)
  • Somali (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Urdu (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Venäjä/Po-russki (käännös: Siiri Rattasepp)
  • Vietnam (kääntäjän nimi ei julkinen)
  • Viro  (käännös: Siiri Rattasepp)

Kuntavaaliehdokkaisiimme voit ottaa yhteyttä näillä kielillä. | Our candidates speak the following languages



Did you know that you may be allowed to vote in Finnish municipal elections in Turku, even if you are not a Finnish citizen?  You can vote  if you are at least 18 years old on the election day, are registered in Turku, and either … 

  1. You are a citizen of the European Union, Norway or Iceland
  2. OR you are of some other nationality AND you have lived in Finland for two years or longer

These elections are very important. The City of Turku is responsible for a huge number of important services that affect everyone. They include health services, school services, childrens’ nurseries, public transport, road networks, urban planning, libraries, parks, and so on and so on.

The City Council is the body that decides what the City of Turku should look like and feel like.  It makes all the big decisions in Turku. Decisions like… 

  • Where should new schools be built? 
  • Should health services be free of charge? 
  • How high should the tax rate be? 
  • How to build better public transport?
  • … and many others

The council is democratically chosen every four years in municipal elections.  The next elections will be on June 13, 2021.

If you are eligible, you should automatically receive an information package (“äänioikeusilmoitus” in Finnish) by post about a month before the election. For more information, see this official web page (in English only):


The Greens (Vihreät) are currently the second largest party in Turku. We are the party for equality, nature, climate, education, healthcare, transparency and openness.

Our most important themes in Turku are:

  • The city must protect the climate. This requires a very strong and efficient public transportation system, and support for cycling and walking.
  • The city must protect its natural values. Everyone must have access to nature even within the city.
  • The city must be built efficiently, but must also be green and beautiful.  
  • Everyone must have equal access to quality education. There must be enough teachers, and schools need to have sufficient funding.
  • Turku must be the best student town in Finland.
  • Social and health services must be available to everyone, including foreign-born residents and undocumented refugees.
  • The city must support the people who need the most support: the old, the young, people dealing with mental illnesses or addiction, foreign-born residents who have not yet learned to speak Finnish fluently.
  • Culture and sports are vital for a good life, and must be supported
  • The economy can be kept healthy by keeping the people healthy, and by solving problems before they become expensive problems. 
  • The city must become more open about how taxpayers’ funds are used. 
  • The city must attract  and support companies that can provide jobs for all residents