In english
The Greens works for a fair change, and today the worldwide green movement is needed more than ever. Climate change is threatening the future of our environment and our way of life. People’s well-being is threatened by changes in working life caused by the developement in the global economy. As an answer to these challenges, the green movement offers a fair and safe solution. We want to leave the world to the future generations in a better condition than it is today.
In the City of Turku, The Greens currently holds the place of the second biggest party. The last municipal elections were held in the spring of 2017 when we achieved the best election results of all time.
There is a short and a long version of our municipal elections campaign manifesto. You can read the short version on this page, the long version can be found here.
Our short municipal elections campaign manifesto 2021:
Building a Green Future
Realising climate targets
- Here in Turku nature is always close. We will increase forests and green spaces to act as carbon sinks and help reach the carbon neutrality target.
- We will bring the archipelago within the citizens’ reach and make our beaches enjoyable for all. We will protect the Baltic Sea for future generations.
- We will build a light rail system and switch to electric buses in public transport. We are building a city where sustainable transport is the easiest and cheapest option.
Equal rights to quality education
- High-quality early childhood education is key to preventing inequality.
- Education must not be cut. We will guarantee adequate resources for maintaining small teaching groups. We will renovate study facilities to be healthier environments.
- We will guarantee adequate support services for all schoolchildren and students.
Fighting poverty and investing in prosperity
- We will eliminate homelessness by building support homes that meet different needs.
- Add low-threshold treatment places to mental health and substance abuse services.
- We support living urban culture. Diverse cultural spaces and events make the city comfortable and open to all ages.
The sustainable city of the future will be made together
- Preventive services reduce prolonged problems and expensive treatments.
- Emphasis is placed on eco-sustainability, localness and shared responsibility for the city budget.
- We will increase the openness and transparency of decision-making so that citizens can participate in decision-making between elections as well.